[ 02-Jan-2025 11:02:56 AM Asia/Calcutta ]/seller/module/inventory/add_inventory.php ==> update => `netshopv_console`.`store_product_inventory` => MySQL server has gone away [ 02-Jan-2025 11:02:56 AM Asia/Calcutta ]/seller/module/inventory/add_inventory.php ==> rowCount => `netshopv_console`.`store_product` => MySQL server has gone away [ 02-Jan-2025 13:04:47 PM Asia/Calcutta ]/seller/module/inventory/add_inventory.php ==> update => `netshopv_console`.`store_product_inventory` => MySQL server has gone away [ 02-Jan-2025 13:04:47 PM Asia/Calcutta ]/seller/module/inventory/add_inventory.php ==> rowCount => `netshopv_console`.`store_product` => MySQL server has gone away [ 02-Jan-2025 13:23:14 PM Asia/Calcutta ]/console/pro_inv_update ==> Master => Master => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where store_id in ("1229") )' at line 2 [ 02-Jan-2025 13:23:33 PM Asia/Calcutta ]/console/pro_inv_update ==> Master => Master => You have an error in your SQL syntax; check the manual that corresponds to your MySQL server version for the right syntax to use near 'where store_id in ("1229") )' at line 2 [ 02-Jan-2025 13:23:58 PM Asia/Calcutta ]/console/pro_inv_update ==> Master => Master => Unknown column 'added_by' in 'where clause' [ 02-Jan-2025 13:25:59 PM Asia/Calcutta ]/console/pro_inv_update ==> Master => Master => Unknown column 'store' in 'where clause' [ 02-Jan-2025 13:26:43 PM Asia/Calcutta ]/console/pro_inv_update ==> Master => Master => Unknown column 'store' in 'where clause' [ 02-Jan-2025 14:57:52 PM Asia/Calcutta ]/web_old/iskcon/devotee_detail_report.php ==> Master => Master => Table 'netshopv_console.iskcon_devotee_detail' doesn't exist [ 02-Jan-2025 23:20:07 PM Asia/Calcutta ]/web_old/iskcon/devotee_detail_report.php ==> Master => Master => Table 'netshopv_console.iskcon_devotee_detail' doesn't exist