Warning: mysqli_connect(): (HY000/1044): Access denied for user 'netshopv_dev'@'localhost' to database 'netshopv_console_shopos' in /home/netshopview/console.shopview.net/table_compare_shopos.php on line 24
Warning: mysqli_query() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli, bool given in /home/netshopview/console.shopview.net/table_compare_shopos.php on line 37
Warning: mysqli_fetch_array() expects parameter 1 to be mysqli_result, null given in /home/netshopview/console.shopview.net/table_compare_shopos.php on line 38
[netshopv_shopos_local] => Array
[0] => pos_closing_receipt
[1] => pos_credit_note
[2] => pos_current_cart
[3] => pos_cust_credit
[4] => pos_cust_loyalty_generate
[5] => pos_customer_detail
[6] => pos_daily_coupon
[7] => pos_exe_server
[8] => pos_hsn_code_detail
[9] => pos_live_order_status
[10] => pos_live_reason_status
[11] => pos_local_coupon
[12] => pos_local_setting
[13] => pos_loyalty_detail
[14] => pos_order_detail
[15] => pos_order_retun
[16] => pos_product_category
[17] => pos_product_category_tag
[18] => pos_product_combo_item
[19] => pos_product_customize
[20] => pos_product_detail
[21] => pos_product_inventory
[22] => pos_product_unit
[23] => pos_screen_saver
[24] => pos_store_coupon_detail
[25] => pos_store_detail
[26] => pos_store_meta_detail
[27] => pos_store_setting
[28] => pos_store_user_login
[29] => pos_table_order
[30] => pos_topping_extra
[31] => pos_topping_group
[32] => pos_topping_master
[33] => vendor_detail
[34] => vendor_invoice_detail
[35] => vendor_invoice_product
[36] => vendor_payment_detail